Comments on: White Gold Natural essentials for mom and baby Thu, 06 Jun 2024 15:29:54 +0000 hourly 1 By: Rawan Rohi Qudsi Wed, 17 Aug 2022 09:06:49 +0000 Today is the third day of using White Gold to increase milk and it’s just amazing! After a week that my baby was sick with Covid and her breastfeeding frequency decreased, I felt that the milk decreased, I hurried and ordered the White Gold and the first two capsules I already felt the difference, a huge thank you.

By: Lee Levi Thu, 23 Jun 2022 08:36:04 +0000 Highly recommended! After trying a lot of supplements and drops – White Gold is what really helped me increase amounts and also to pump a lot for backup. I take 1-2 a day, which is less than the recommended dose, works wonders!

By: Adi Tue, 31 May 2022 08:07:56 +0000 After trying to increase my milk supply for a long time, I found White Gold and I can say that it helped me a lot compared to other products! I recommend it to any mother who wants to breastfeed long-term.

By: Rinat Kluger Tue, 10 May 2022 09:26:03 +0000 When I breastfed my eldest, after starting solids, I felt a decrease in the amount of milk and a lot of impatience on my daughter's part. Unfortunately, the realization that my supply was decreasing came only in hindsight.
When my second daughter was born I knew I would want to take some kind of supplement, around the transition to solids to increase production. That's why I started to take two capsules a day from the age of 6 months. It felt like it helped me. After a few days, I could actually feel my breasts were fuller.

By: Liz Tutia Sun, 01 May 2022 10:24:28 +0000 White Gold really helped me and I always recommend it to other mothers. I felt the change almost immediately!

By: Michel Efryaim Thu, 10 Feb 2022 08:18:31 +0000 My milk was very watery and barely anything came out when I pumped, Ariel would start crying after 2 minutes. I bought the wonderful White Gold supplement and within the first days the milk became thicker, richer, and most importantly – there was more milk during breastfeeding and pumping.

By: Anna Kanrayob Sat, 05 Feb 2022 08:15:31 +0000 With my eldest, I took fenugreek to increase breast milk and there was no significant change. With my second baby, I tried Milkcare’s supplement (White Gold), a month after the birth and I felt a real difference. Even with pumping, I was able to pump more milk there was a big difference after taking the supplement.

By: Anonymous happy mama Wed, 29 Dec 2021 08:34:08 +0000 Maya, your breast milk supplement is amazing!!! I’ve been taking it for a month, sometimes only in the morning, sometimes both morning and evening. The milk came back after there was a significant decrease when I had mastitis. And also, my lazy boob that didn’t give me much compared with the other one, started to keep up! Thank you!!!
I always feel that you are so supportive, giving from the heart so that more moms can breastfeed as much as possible. You gave me support and it felt like you were doing it for fun, it’s the best feeling in the world!
I knew your supplement would be worth every dollar and it definitely was.
Thank you very much!
You mean so much to me, especially in breastfeeding my twins now, you have helped me beyond belief!

By: Hadas Ronen Mon, 13 Dec 2021 08:42:08 +0000 I ordered the supplement after I came down with a virus that hurt my milk supply and I felt my supply recover in a matter of days. Then I slowly took less and less of the supplement and my supply stayed stable. I can definitely say it made a difference.

By: Alina Snyderman Sun, 05 Dec 2021 11:49:15 +0000 This product does its job! I purchased one bottle a month after the birth and it helped me make a nice stock of breast milk that I froze. I thought it fixed my milk production issue and I stopped taking the pills. After a month, I rushed to order 2 more bottles… and voila, it increased milk production within 2 days. I have no idea how it works, but it works!
