Herbs For Supporting Lactation and Increasing Milk Supply


For millions of years, postpartum women have used the abundance of nature around them to
help them breastfeed and care for the baby. Plants have been used in a variety of ways such as increasing breast milk, relieving colic in babies, recovering from birth, and inducing labor.

This wisdom of motherhood has been passed down from generation to generation and in every
culture, some plants and compounds are used to support women’s health. Today, you
too can benefit from this knowledge that we inherited from mothers who came before us. At
Milkcare believes in using both ancient and modern wisdom gathered from many cultures to
support nursing mothers.

Shatavari – (Asparagus Racemosus)

The plant originated in India, mainly in the Himalayas, and has been used for thousands of years to support healthy milk flow and for other health benefits.  Shatavari has components that are antioxidants and is rich in minerals such as magnesium, selenium, zinc as well as vitamins A, vitamin B and fatty acids, all of which are essential for our bodies.
In traditional Indian herbal medicine, the use of Shatavari is recommended mainly for nourishing and supporting women during the postpartum recovery period as well as for supporting a naturally “flowing” breastfeeding process.

Blessed Milk Thistle (Silybum Marianum)

The name “Blessed Milk Thistle” hints at a time-honored connection between this prickly plant and nursing mothers. Traditionally used for centuries in various ailments, Milk Thistle is also known to support a healthy flow of breast milk. Modern research reveals it contains antioxidants, beneficial for overall human health

Angelica Sinensis (Female Ginseng)

Angelica is a shrub originating from northern Asia, China and Korea. In these areas it is widely used in traditional medicine. Its effect focuses on strengthening, driving bodily processes, and nourishment. Therefore, it’s a good choice for breastfeeding support. In Chinese medicine, this plant is used to support the body’s cycles and biological rhythms and is considered a distinctly
feminine herb.

Agnus Castus (Chaste Tree)

The Chaste Tree is another herb used in different cultures to support women’s health, it grows in the Middle East and from there its fruits are transported to all parts of the world. It does wonders for women of childbearing and menopause age. According to traditional herbalists and naturopathic approaches, the Chaste Tree should be a component of any extract whose function is to help during the lactation period.

Why not Fenugreek?

At MilkCare we have chosen to produce all our products without Fenugreek. This is because women who take Fenugreek to increase milk supply sometimes experience abdominal pain and other symptoms related to the digestive system. Some women reported that their baby also had abdominal pain and changes in stools, owing to the use of Fenugreek. Companies that produce milk booster supplements around the world, and in the United States in particular, are using Fenugreek less and less because of those side effects and even mark their products as “Fenugreek-free”.

Want to enjoy the benefits of herbs for breastfeeding support?
Buy White Gold now, a dietary supplement* based on concentrated herbal
extracts traditionally used to support breastfeeding.

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