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Breastfeeding Basics: Your Guide to a Successful Start

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural way to nourish your baby. It offers countless benefits for both mother and child, from boosting immunity to fostering a strong bond. Breastfeeding may be natural but it’s not instinctive. Throughout human evolution, breastfeeding was a learned skill. Women learned it from watching other women breastfeed. Today most new moms haven’t seen enough breastfeeding around them so they didn’t have a chance to learn, That’s why prenatal education is crucial. This blog post will equip you with the essential knowledge to embark on your breastfeeding journey with confidence.


Herbs for relief of colic and gas

In traditional herbal medicine all over the world, herbs have been used especially those containing aromatic compounds (such as chamomile, fennel, ginger, etc.), to alleviate common abdominal discomfort conditions in adults, infants, and children. Here are some examples of plants that are commonly used for this purpose in traditional medicine all of which are in Calmi our unique blend for colic.


How to increase your milk supply

Many mothers at some point in their breastfeeding journey, have the feeling that they don’t have enough milk for their baby’s needs. Sometimes it is necessary to boost milk production. If you feel there might be a problem with your milk supply you can use these excellent methods we have collected for you.


Human Milk Storage: A Guide for Parents

pumping and storing breast milk is a lifesaver for working moms and those who want to build up a stash for emergencies. Some mothers need to pump some or all of their baby’s milk. But with so many different guidelines out there, it can be confusing to know what’s best. Here’s a simple breakdown of the most important things to remember based on the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine’s Clinical Protocol #8: Human Milk Storage Information for Home Use for Full-Term Infants.


Overcoming Slow Letdown: Tips for Breastfeeding Moms

Slow letdown can be a frustrating challenge for breastfeeding moms. It’s when the milk takes longer than usual to start flowing after your baby starts nursing. This can lead to frustration for both you and your baby, making feeding time a struggle. However, there are several strategies you can try to help overcome slow letdown and establish a smoother breastfeeding journey.


Pumping Success: Tips and Tricks

Pumping is a valuable tool for many mothers, allowing them to provide breast milk for their babies even when they can’t breastfeed directly. Just like breastfeeding getting the hang of pumping can take time, it’s good to have the right techniques and tools to maximize your milk production.


The Science Behind Milk Production: How Herbal Supplements Can Help

Breastfeeding is a natural process, but it can be challenging for some mothers to produce enough milk to meet their baby’s needs. While various factors can influence milk supply, understanding the science behind milk production can help mothers make informed decisions about supporting their breastfeeding journey. Herbal supplements have gained popularity as a natural way to boost milk supply. Let’s delve into the science and explore how these supplements can assist in enhancing milk production.


Treating Nipple Blebs while breastfeeding or pumping

Nipple blebs, small, fluid-filled blisters that can develop on the nipple during breastfeeding, can be very uncomfortable. While they are often harmless and painless, understanding their causes, symptoms, and treatment options when they are painful or hinder milk flow, can help you manage them effectively and continue your breastfeeding journey. 


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